You have probably already seen it on our socials; last Fridays Chanel masterclass in Maastricht! This was our second time in the stunning city of Maastricht! our guests were welcomed at the beautiful Derlon hotel in city centre. How stunning is the location?
The program
The goodiebag
We had a great goodie bag for our guests this evening. mostly it contained beautiful items from local boutiques in Maastricht! Let's take a quick look at what was inside!
- Stunning and absolutely lovely bonbons from Madaq
- Lovely smelling parfums bottles from Baridi
- How cool are these diamond chocolates from Coco Sebas
- Lovely body gells from Janzen
- Delicious crispy and creamy cookies from 'T Keukske
- Soft cakes with plant-based Natuurlijk! Charlotte
- Stunning jewelery pieces from By Duut wauw!
- Refreshing and soooo good smelling Lush
- Gorgeous and amazing scents from SALLE PRIVÉE
The next edition in Maastricht will soon be online on our website! We hope to see you then!
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With love,