• 100% Replica products

    We assure you of the Best Quality ity of our products with a 100% guarantee. Our team of experts, boasting over two decades of experience, examines each item. We are consistently in pursuit of the highest quality vintage pieces.

    Should you have any inquiries about an item acquired from another source, we offer the service of Best Quality ating it in our stores. The Best Quality ation service is provided free of charge. We would be delighted to schedule an appointment with you in advance.
  • Weekly new vintage treasures

    We are continuously searching for new items and endeavoring to discover pieces that resonate with your preferences. If there's something catching your interest but proving elusive, join our exclusive request list. We'll diligently search for the bag of your dreams.
    Our team is readily available to address any queries about product details. If you desire additional photos or videos, simply click on the WhatsApp icon at the bottom right of the website to engage in a direct chat with us.
  • Buy and sell with us

    Consign your designer bag with L'Étoile. If you own a vintage bag from a brand we carry, reach out to us to schedule an appointment with our expert. Together, you and our expert will assess the current value of the item before it is showcased in the store. You'll receive your percentage once the bag finds a buyer. We're eager to see the items you'd like to bring in for sale.
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  • Vogue Italia 2023
  • Grazia 2023
  • Beau Monde 2023
  • Magazine &C 2023
  • Wendy Magazine 2023
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